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Do I Need a Lawn Renovation or Will Aerating and Seeding Fix My Lawn?

If your lawn is in bad shape, then you might be wondering whether you need a complete lawn renovation (starting over) or whether a service like aerating and seeding can fix your existing lawn for you. 

The last thing that you want is to be stuck with a lawn that’s an embarrassment—that sticks out like a sore thumb amongst your neighbors’ properties. Maybe this is a lawn that you inherited after purchasing a new home in the Memphis, TN or Northern MS area, or maybe you just got busy and neglected your lawn for a few seasons and it suddenly feels like it has more weeds and bare spots than it does healthy turf. 

Whatever the case may be, you’re looking for a solution that will work to transform your lawn and get it back on the road to good health. Because we believe it is essential to set our customers up with realistic expectations, we wanted to offer some advice that will help get your lawn back on track.

How Bad is My Lawn?

Because words like “ugly” or “bad” are so subjective, we wanted to take a minute to discuss the type of lawn that we’re talking about for the context of this article. 

When we’re talking about a lawn that might require a total lawn renovation, we’re usually referring to lawns that are in pretty poor shape. This means they have a lot of significantly-sized bare spots with weeds creeping in. They might also have damage due to disease, pests, or just overall neglect (or all three). Simply put, this is a lawn that has major problems.

Unhealthy lawn with turf disease

The fact is, most lawns are going to be plagued with issues from time to time, including thin areas or bare spots. The services that we’ll be talking about will help these lawns, as well. But for the main purpose of this article, we’re going to assume that your lawn is in pretty bad shape which is why you’re unsure if aerating and seeding will even help.

Can Aerating and Seeding Fix a Bad Lawn?

If your lawn is full of bare spots and weeds, you might be wondering if it’s even worth aerating and seeding or whether you should just start fresh. The exact answer to that will ultimately come down to your willingness to wait for results.

The short answer is, yes. Aerating and overseeding can fix a bad lawn. But it really comes down to a timeline.

There’s no doubt that lawn aeration and overseeding are a pretty powerful combination. This service can really do wonders for an unhealthy lawn. But if your lawn is in terrible shape, it is going to take time. We can’t stress that enough and we would be giving you unrealistic expectations if we said otherwise. The fact is, it could take up to two seasons to really start to see the results you desire.

lawn care technician aerating lawn

We find that a lot of homeowners want a change to happen overnight and while you’ll likely see some difference after one season of aerating and seeding, you’re going to need to hang on and wait out the long-term results.

If you can’t wait that long, the option of sodding is always available to you and you can partner with our sister company, Michael Hatcher & Associates in order to get that service completed. Sod installation is basically like getting an “instant lawn.” One day your lawn is looking terrible, the next it’s a lush, green carpet. 

The downside is that it’s going to be a lot more expensive and more time-consuming to maintain than renovating an existing lawn with aerating and seeding. Sod needs to be watered regularly to ensure that those roots become established. The last thing that you want to do is invest heavily in sodding only to have it fail.

Maintenance Beyond Your Lawn Renovation

Of course, you don’t want to invest a lot of time and money into any service if you’re only going to let your lawn fall back into disrepair. That’s why it’s important to keep up with aftercare. 

lawn care technician spraying lawn

Maintaining your lawn’s health can best be achieved on a lawn care program that takes all of its needs into account. With good lawn care, your turf will grow stronger and more resistant against weeds, pests, diseases, and other health concerns. This is important when it comes to keeping your lawn in great shape.

In addition, you’ll also want to keep up with aeration and overseeding as part of your ongoing maintenance. As we mentioned, your lawn doesn’t have to be in terrible shape to benefit from aerating and seeding. 

All lawns can really benefit from this service annually, particularly if you want to keep it looking truly top-notch. 

Making the Wise Choice

Ultimately, the best choice for your lawn is really a matter of personal preference. We usually tell homeowners that if they can have the patience and keep their eyes fixed on the finish line (rather than obsessing daily over the state of their lawn), then choosing aerating and seeding is going to make sense. 

We really can fix most lawns with aeration and overseeding when we’re given the time to do so. Over the years we’ve seen some pretty awful lawns totally transform. Once it’s turned around, it’s like an entirely new lawn.

family playing in healthy lawn

But remember, you also have a choice in lawn care companies in Memphis, TN and Northern MS. And this choice will also make a difference in your results. 

While many lawn care companies might try to trick you with an inexpensive “quick fix,” you should know that there really is no such thing. The quickest fix is sodding and that’s a relatively substantial investment of time and money. Any company that tries to sell you on a cheap/quick fix could be sending you down the wrong path. 

That’s why your choice matters. You deserve to get your lawn back on track as soon as possible (not be derailed by companies that are looking to take advantage of your situation). You are the one that has to live the results. While it’s going to take time, with the right choices, you can get your lawn looking fantastic once again.

Wish you could stop worrying about your ugly lawn and instead be able to feel confident that you’re on the right path to restoring your Memphis, TN or Northern Mississippi property? Talk to a lawn care expert, choose from 3 program options, and become the master of your lawn.

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Michael Hatcher

Michael Hatcher is president of Michael Hatcher & Associates.

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